Irish priest asks for back-up as demand for exorcisms rises ‘exponentially’

An Irish priest and exorcist is asking the country’s bishops for more support after noticing a dramatic increase in demonic activity in the country.

Source: Irish priest asks for back-up as demand for exorcisms rises ‘exponentially’ Dublin, Ireland, Jan 24, 2018 Catholic News Agency

An Irish priest and exorcist is asking the country’s bishops for more support after noticing a dramatic increase in demonic activity in the Continue reading

The Exorcist’s William Friedkin to Release Exorcism Documentary in April 

The director of The Exorcist, William Friedkin, has made a doc about the Vatican’s most famed exorcist with The Devil & Father Amorth.

Source: The Exorcist’s William Friedkin to Release Exorcism Documentary in April by David Crow 1-18-2018

William Friedkin holds the distinction of directing the first major—and by far the still scariest—exorcism movie ever made. Continue reading

What the Bible reveals about demon possession | Christian News on Christian Today

by JB Cachila 


So many people downplay, even ignore, the fact that there’s an unseen enemy who does all that he can to destroy all lives. The Bible tells us that we have an enemy that is not flesh and blood – the devil and his minions. And he will not stop doing all that he can to destroy us and prevent us from seeing God and experiencing His deliverance.

One of the methods the enemy employs in his arsenal of destruction is what is famously known as “demon possession.” Some do not believe that this happens, and many do not know how to handle such a case.

Did you know that anybody can be possessed, or at least influenced, by a demon? This article is not meant to scare you, dear reader. With this article I hope to let you see the reality of demonic possession, and the even better reality of victory and freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Demon possession in the Bible

The Bible presents to us several accounts of demon possessions. People who are possessed by a demon (or an unclean spirit) show different symptoms:

Continue reading at: What the Bible reveals about demon possession | Christian News on Christian Today

Possessed & Obsessed: Why The Exorcist Still Haunts Us

How a specter from the age of Nixon speaks to the unease we feel in Trump’s America.

Source: Possessed & Obsessed: Why The Exorcist Still Haunts Us

I first saw “The Exorcist” when I was 13 and home alone. This, of course, was a patent mistake; by the time the iconic bars of Mike Oldfield’s “Tubular Bells” were running over the credits, I knew I’d never sleep that night, or possibly ever again. But it was notthe circumstances of my viewing that made this film so abjectly terrifying. Forty-five years after its release, the adaptation of William Peter Blatty’s 1971 eponymous novel remains the most frightening movie ever made, and not just because it features a tween whose head spins backward.

At the time of the book’s publication, it seemed unlikely to ever achieve a mass audience, let alone be adapted into the ninth highest grossing film of all time when adjusted for inflation. Until then, Blatty, who also authored the screenplay, had been best known as the comedy screenwriter who’d given us the Inspector Clouseau mystery, “A Shot in the Dark.” A devout Catholic, he’d fictionalized an account of a 1949 exorcism by a Jesuit priest, but even his fancy Hollywood credentials couldn’t save it from being sent back to the publisher in droves. Only when a mysterious set of flukes landed him on the Dick Cavett Show for a full 45 minutes did the “The Exorcist” catapult to the New York Times best-seller list, where it remained for 57 weeks. Continue reading at