A Rise In Demand For Exorcisms As The American Church Falls For Demonic Spirits

Christ casting out demons

Two interesting articles recently came across my desk that should be of great interest to all Christians but probably will only be noted by those involved in Deliverance Ministry.

The first, an op-ed from End Time Headlines, [1] decries the widespread failure of Christian Churches to adequately discern the spirits, in particular the evil ones.

Over the last two centuries, science has convinced us that the physical world is the totality of existence.

In our piece titled The Reality of Non-Physical Reality [2] we reported that science disregards anything that it cannot measure, or otherwise quantify, define, or even experiment with. Because it defies their human limited science, it therefore must not exist. But as Christians we know, by faith, that God created spiritual entities we characterize as angels.

We also know that a number of these entities rebelled, were cast out of Heaven and fell Continue reading

The Reality of Non-Physical Reality

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In recent episodes of Saint Michael’s Journal, we have reported on the curious hearings held by Congress on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, Extraterrestrial Aliens, and the threat these unknown entities might pose to National Security.

We have previously noted the irony in that, even hard-core UFO believers—those that want nothing more than to prove the existence of extraterrestrial entities—are skeptical of the many startling revelations made by whistle blowers during their testimony.

As we have also observed that there is indeed, a choir of voices, one that is rising to a crescendo, that insist that these sightings of the strange and unusual are not indicative of extraterrestrial visits, but rather a continuance of the ages old harassment and oppression from Satan himself.

In this episode we will look at these claims as well as other possible explanations for the Continue reading

Resistance is Futile? What About Growing Skepticism of UFO Revelations


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or read the text below!

In our videos on YouTube and Rumble as well as our Podcast on Spotify, the episode titled Paranormal Potpourri: A Bizarre Anthology, we explored the growing skepticism of the whistle blower testimony, during Congressional Hearings on UFOs.

It would seem that many, even those who are true believers and want nothing more than to witness credible evidence of visitors from outer space, even in this hardcore group, there are those who smell a rat in the testimony given thus far.

We discussed Art Levine’s essay, Spaceship of Fools which implies that the whistle blowers claiming knowledge of UFOs and their alien occupants, are simply hucksters looking for a cash cow.

Now we find another possible explanation for the sudden reversal of the elite who Continue reading

Close Encounters of the Paranormal Kind

Watch Close Encounters of the Paranormal Kind on YouTube
Listen to the Podcast on Spotify, or read it below

Throughout his career, Steven Spielberg has been a prolific writer, director, and producer bringing to the world a multitude of work, entertaining both old and young alike in the process.

In 1977, Spielberg wrote and directed one of the many movies he is known for, a movie that now has a cult following, a Science fiction movie that is considered to be in the realm of the paranormal.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a fictional story of a rather plain everyday kind of guy who, during a close encounter with an alien intelligence, is gifted with a vision that he can not quite discern the nature thereof.

Of course we all know that Roy Neary, the character played by Richard Dreyfuss, later Continue reading

JOTT: Just One of Those Things or Disappearing Object Phenomenon

According to statistics, there few if any humans on Earth who have escaped this all too common phenomena. Undoubtedly, at some point in your life, you have picked up some mundane everyday item—car keys, the remote to your television, or some other innocuous object—turned around to attend to some miscellaneous distraction, such as a phone call and laid the object in your hand down, with the intention of picking it up again a moment later.

When finished with the interruption you return to pick up the item in question, only to find that it is not where you had put it.

How frantic the ensuing search becomes is directly proportional to the importance of the item that now appears to have vanished into thin air.

Later, perhaps minutes, hours, or even days, the object is found somewhere where you would not have routinely left it. Sometimes it never turns up.

However in historic cases of this phenomena, objects that went missing in this manner sometimes inexplicably turn up miles away.

Commonly known as Disappearing Object Phenomenon or D-O-P the subject has received attention by writers and investigators alike. Those professing to be utilizing pure science, often dismiss the phenomenon in this manner, “No one knows for sure what causes Disappearing Object Phenomenon but we think……” How many times have we heard researchers attempt to dismiss phenomena that has

been witnessed multiple times by credible individuals, implying that no one for sure knows but we think we can use a logical and scientific explanation to define an experience that defies logical and scientific explanations.

Some of the learned men and women of academia, try to say that DOP is naught but a hallucination, the victim only believes that he or she can not see, or even feel that which is still in plain sight. Then they try to explain away the object being moved by saying that you or another family member, did in fact move the object, but wiped the memory of doing so from your mind. Frankly considering the possibility that some sort of creature did it seems more plausible than mass hallucination and an involuntary act of wiping memories from the minds of one or more family members, especially when there are reports of such event in which the object turned up miles away and not one family member had made the trip required to physically move the object.

Other authors have written about the subject, perhaps in the interest of understanding that which yet defies rational explanation. Mary Rose Barrington wrote one such book titled: JOTT: when things disappear… and come back or relocate – and why it really happens. Perhaps the term J-O-T-T or just one of those things reflects Ms. Barrington’s frustrations in not finding a rational explanation for the phenomenon while conducting her own research, writing the subject off as Just One of Those Things.

A book review published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration has this to say about Barrington’s book;

This book accomplishes the nearly miraculous achievement of being both substantive and highly entertaining. According to Barrington, “JOTT,” derived from “Just One of Those Things,” stands for a kind of “spatial discontinuity”—namely, a motley class of events in which objects appear or disappear in mysterious ways. For example, some can be classified as “Walkabouts,” in which “an article disappears from the place where it was known to have been and is found in another place.” Similarly, in “Comebacks,” “a known article disappears from the place where it was known to have been and later is found back in the same place.” And in “Turn-ups,” “a known article from an uncertain location appears in a place where it is known not to have been before it was found there.” The other primary categories in Barrington’s taxonomy are Flyaway, Windfall, and Trade-in (the reader might be able to guess what these are).

Later in the review the author makes the following observation;

Barrington, in her book, plays this crucial role of the parapsychological naturalist, by looking at some unheralded peculiar events and then trying to incorporate them into the big picture. She focuses on a class of ostensibly paranormal phenomena that have received much less attention than, say, cases of apparitions and poltergeists. And she’s clear about why that is. The phenomena typically and all too easily get dismissed as merely a nuisance and are readily put out of mind. They’re not as dramatic and conspicuous as a table levitation, and we can, without much difficulty, churn out counterexplanations which at least superficially satisfy us, even if they wouldn’t withstand greater scrutiny. But, Barrington urges, the best of these cases present real puzzles with serious ontological implications, and they force us to attend more carefully to the many other cases that are less initially compelling. She writes,


. . . when all known or imagined forms of eccentric behavior are considered, there remains a hard core of cases that cannot be reasonably explained away in mundane terms, and eventually an attempt must be made to explain them using broader concepts.

Robert Charman in his book review of Disappearing Object Phenomenon: An Investigation, by Tony Jinks, Charman shares some of the cases Jinks wrote about.

One evening in August, 2008, Kate drove home after work to her small suburban house situated in a quiet residential street. With her car key on the same ring as all her other keys she selected her front door key and opened the door at the same moment that her telephone rang. Knowing who it would be she left the door open and dropped her bag to run down the hall to answer the phone.

After the call she went back to take the ring of keys out of the door lock and pick up her bag. The bag was there with contents intact but the ring of keys was not there. She searched and searched in vain, eventually concluding that someone must have entered the porch and snatched the keys although the street was empty and there seemed to be no one about. Unable to find them she was faced with the inconvenient and expensive business of getting a new car key and changing the locks of her front door, back door, garage and mailbox and cutting a new key for her office. Within the year she moved to a new job in another city and bought and thoroughly renovated an apartment close to the city centre. One evening she returned home, placed her new set of keys in the hallway drawer as usual and then went into her bedroom only to see her old set of keys on the same ring on her pillow. As she said to Jinks she felt ‘nauseous and giddy’ with shock as no one else could have entered her apartment during her absence.

Assuming that this victim named Kate was not suffering from mental disorder, how did the missing keys find their way to her new apartment and place themselves in her pillow?

Charman writes:

After years of personal investigation into these claims Jinks decided that these unexpected, inconvenient and unwanted object disappearances, reappearances and so on could not be attributed to forgetfulness, unaware misplacement, faulty memory, in-attentional blindness or perceptual blindness while thinking of something else to an object in plain sight, hallucinatory error, deliberate deception by themselves or someone else, fugue states, altered states of consciousness and so on. What was being repeatedly and independently described seemed to be a genuine phenomenon despite being considered as completely impossible as far as science and everyday common sense is concerned.

With the prior research and classification of some 185 cases of the same phenomenon by Barrington as his guide. Jinks decided to submit his much larger database to a thorough statistical, tabled, analysis as to the objects most frequently involved such as jewellery items as in rings, brooches and necklaces, single food and beverage items, keys, items of clothing, small computer items such as USB sticks and ‘mice’; television remote controls, grooming items such as combs, brushes, hair clips and tweezers, kitchen utensils such as knives and forks, wristwatches, wallets, credit/debit cards, individual coins, stationery, small tools and so on.

He found that in order of jott activity the most common behaviors were disappearance and later reappearance of that object, often in the same place but sometimes elsewhere in the house, the unfamiliar appearance of a new object that could not be accounted for, and unrecognized similar type of object replacement and sometimes disappearance for good.

Another website offers more in depth details of Barrington’s work such as an explanation of the terminology she—in many cases—coined herself. This reviewer reported that:

Barrington classified this weird occurrence into two different categories:

  1. Jottles: This is the more common of the two where objects are displaced either via teleportation, poltergeist phenomena or an apport (a spirit moving an object).
  1. Oddjott: Miscellaneous weird episodes that have no rational explanation

Jottles are then further broken down into subcategories:

  • Walkabout. This is the most common jottle, where an item disappears from a known location and is found later in another and often bizarre location, without any sort of explanation as to how it got there.
  • Comeback. An item disappears from a known location and anywhere from minutes to years, reappears in this very same location.
  • Flyaway. An item disappears from a known location and never reappears.
  • Turnup. An item that appears in a location that it couldn’t have been in before.
  • Windfall. An unknown item to you randomly appears.
  • Trade-in. An item that disappears and never comes back, but a similar item appears instead

Some of the cases Barrington wrote about are cited in the review as examples of the aforementioned categories and subcategories.

One such event, categorized as a Walkabout goes like this;

“It happened…on the 24th November, 1982, in the afternoon. My wife went for her glasses which she left on the kitchen table. They were not there.

When our visitor left, a full-scale search was made, but without result. Outside the house we have a large sink, not used as such, but filled with earth, which is used for raising seedlings and small plants.

On the following morning, the glasses, neatly folded, were found, obviously carefully placed on the soil in that sink, between two plants. They were not folded when they disappeared.” It has to be said that the visitor was Melvyn Harris, a well-known paranormal denier, and I have to wonder if he organized a psuedo-jottle. Such things have been known. But speaking from personal experience, this was not a house in which visitors were entertained in the kitchen. Tea was served in style.

Presumably the event was a formal afternoon “Tea” in which the visitor was entertained somewhere other than the kitchen where the wayward glasses had been left. Obviously the visitor could not have—without being noticed—purloined the glasses and left them in the garden. The question then arises how did the glasses manage to relocate elsewhere?

The reviewers of Barrington’s work always note her sense of humor used while writing about very unusual cases. They also mention that they are sad to report that Barrington will not grace us with another such work as she passed away in 2020.

That which Barrington categorized as a Windfall in which an unknown item suddenly appears can be very disconcerting especially to those experiencing night terrors or sleep paralysis as we discussed in Episode 4:ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS. In these events the victims report waking up the next morning after they thought there was an intruder in the room and they find objects moved or in some cases that which Barrington characterized as a Windfall, the sudden appearance of an unknown object.

Although terminology used to describe this phenomena such as we have reviewed here, is rather new, however the events—as described by Barrington and other contemporary researchers—are not a recent development. That which is described as Windfalls today were also known in the past as, Apports;

Like today’s Windfalls, an apport was described in the past as an item that seemingly appears from nowhere. We find it was said to be a common place practice in the 19th century spiritualist era, for a medium to be able to produce an object out of what seemed like thin air during a seance.

One very famous British author wrote:

There is no more curious and dramatic phase of psychic phenomenon than the apport. It is so startling that it is difficult to persuade the sceptic as to its possibility, and even the Spiritualist can hardly credit it until examples actually come his way. The author’s first introduction to occult knowledge was due largely to the late General Drayson, who at that time—nearly forty years ago—was receiving through an amateur medium a constant succession of apports of the most curious description-Indian lamps, amulets, fresh fruit, and other things. So amazing a phenomenon, and one so easily simulated, was too much for a beginner, and it retarded rather than helped progress. Since then, however, the author has met the editor of a well-known paper who used the same medium after General Drayson’s death, and he continued, under rigid conditions, to get similar apports. The author has been forced, therefore, to reconsider his view and to believe that he has underrated both the honesty of the medium and the intelligence of her sitter.

The preceding observation is attributed to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, an excerpt from his History of spiritualism Vol II.

Doyle is more readily recognized for his books about the fictional character Sherlock Holmes.

These so called Windfalls, Apports and Tradeins, the latter being cases in which something disappears forever but an unknown object appears in its place, have a certain degree of similarity to tales of mythical creatures of ancient legends.

The Europeans have long maintained tales of little people, Elves, Fairies, Leprechauns and the like. All of these creature reportedly had a propensity for mischief that far exceed their shortness in physical stature.

Imagine their surprise when they traveled to the new world and the indigenous first peoples of America shared similar tales of enigmatic little people.

It would seem that the first peoples of America were not immune to JOTT or DOP

Various groups of the Eastern Forest Dwellers told stories of things going missing, tales that are uncannily similar to the modern day phenomena. They attributed these disappearances to the little people, creatures said to be no more than knee high in most oral traditions.

One elder writes the following:

Cherokee tradition tells of Little People who are a race of Spirits and live in rock caves on the mountain side. They are little fellows and ladies reaching almost to your knees. They are well shaped and handsome, and their hair so long it almost touches the ground. They are very helpful, kind-hearted, and great wonder workers. They love music and spend most of their time drumming, singing, and dancing. They have a very gentle nature, but do not like to be disturbed. When a hunter finds anything in the woods, such as a knife or a trinket, he must say, ‘Little People, I would like to take this’ because it may belong to them, and if he does not ask their permission they will throw stones at him as he goes home.

It would seem that every tribe of native Americans have oral traditions in which there are spirits that are usually benign but often mischievous spirits, just as their counterparts did in Europe and other regions of the world. Indeed these tales of spirits that have a predilection for things that do not belong to them seem to be universal across the face of the earth.

When one arrives at the realization of how wide spread the Disappearing Object Phenomena is and how long it has been recognized by various cultures, the question that come to mind is, “Are the ancient legends of thieving spirits just a tale made up to help explain the phenomena, events that are natural but continue to defy logical explanation? Or is there something living among us, something in the shadows that derives great pleasure through befuddling humans by instigating the mysterious disappearance of our possessions?

Listen to the above and our piece: The Skinny on skin Walkers at:

Sources in order of appearance

Book Review by Stephan E. Braude~JOTT: When Things Disappear . . . and Come Back or Relocate—And Why It Really Happens by Mary Rose Barrington Journal of Scientifi c Exploration, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 128–131, 2019

Review: Disappearing Object Phenomenon: An Investigation, by Tony Jinks Review by Robert A. Charman, Society for Psychical Research

JOTT: Just One Of Those Things LLIFS: Living Life in Full Spectrum

LLIFS – Apports, Asports and JOTT _ llifs.com.au

The Skinny on Skinwalkers

Should one be introduced to the methods utilized by the editorial staff at Saint Michael’s Journal, that procedure we use to find new and interesting editorial content; one might be reminded of the scene in the cult classic, Men in Black, where Agent K stops at a news stand to check the tabloids for reports of Alien activity. I stress the word might as, should one jump to the conclusion that Saint Michael’s staff relies on less than serious journalism, one would be sadly mistaken. We make every effort to insure that our audience only receives information that is accurate and is as factual as we can possibly obtain.

Well, at least most of the time.

Aggregation websites, such as The Drudge Report, online pages in which the editors peruse the available news and then publish links to the diverse articles, are available for almost every topic, including the paranormal. We check these at least weekly in the hopes of finding new articles relative to the mission of Saint Michael’s Journal.

The factuality or perhaps the degree of credibility of a blog that publishes stories about paranormal activity is subjective, and depends greatly upon the sensibilities of the viewer.

As luck would have it, while perusing an online source of all things paranormal, we found a headline that reminded us of a story we were working on that, while it is presently on a back burner, the piece was none the less in the pipeline. So we pulled it out of moth balls and dusted it off.

Not too long ago we published Podcast Episode three that included a segment titled The Not So Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch; it was our intention to quickly followup with an episode taking an in depth look—not at the infamous ranch—but at the mythology surrounding Skinwalkers; thus The Skinny on Skinwalkers was launched.

Perhaps you are focused on the more important topics relative to your existence on this Big Blue Marble, choosing to remain ignorant of the latest fads and trends, —if this characterization is true of you—perhaps you should be congratulated. However if you have heard of the media phenomenon known as TikTok, you know it is the social media platform the young people love while at the same time it is the forum older people loath.

One of the websites we watch, for leads—just as Agent Kay watched the tabloids—recently ran a piece on the subject of Skinwalkers, in particular the work of one TikTok creator of the media platform who has published several episodes on a Skinwalker reportedly lurking about his neighborhood.

Before we delve into that subject, let’s take a look at just exactly what a Skinwalker happens to be.

The indigenous peoples of the Southwestern United States, tell of certain individuals who have obtained powerful magic, so powerful that they can change—or shift—into any animal form he or she desires. Some legends maintain that for the magic to work, the person must wear a cape like device fashioned from the pelt—or skin—of the animal in question.

One website that purports to be a mythology fan page had this to say about these hybrid creatures:

True Skinwalker lore is specific to the Navajo tribe and is linked to the sacred values of their medicine men and shamans, who the Skinwalkers are a twisted counterpart – many Navajo mystics traditionally learned both good and dark magic to further their knowledge but a select few became corrupted by the darkness and thus became “witches”, the Skinwalkers are the more malicious of these “witches” and take their name from their practice of changing into animals in order to trick people, raid villages and usually murder – traditionally almost all Skinwalker magic is devoted to killing in some fashion: in fact, in order to become Skinwalker one must kill a close family member.

Traditionally, the intent of Skinwalkers seems to be to harm humans. The Navajo people, in the past and into modern times, report that Skinwalkers will attack people walking alone, will try to break into houses, and will even attack moving cars.

Amazingly enough, there are similar legends of shape-shifting creatures from around the world.

Werewolves, also known as lycanthropes, are legendary shape-shifting humans. As the name suggests, the shape these creatures take on is that of a wolf. Werewolf legends have sprung up independently or spread to virtually every area of the Earth. It is also one of the oldest tales of human monsters in recorded history. Stories of lycanthropes are common in folklore prevalent across Europe.

One of the earliest mentions of the werewolf, predating Greek lycanthropy, is in the Roman poet Virgil’s Eclogue 8, written in 37 BCE. He wrote that a man named Moeris could change himself into a werewolf using herbs and poisons and call ghosts from the graves.

The ledgend of the luison mainly prevails in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. It stems from the Portuguese belief that the seventh son of a family of all boys would turn into a luison on the night of a full moon, especially if it fell on a Friday. The myth is especially prevalent in Argentina.

In Mexico it is believed that powerful men can transform themselves into an animal to cause harm. A relationship exists between the latter belief and the word ‘nahual,’ which originated from the word ‘nahualli,’ meaning “disguise.” The name pertains to the sorcery by which magicians change their physical forms into that of an animal.

The French call such creatures loup-garou. Its origin is unknown. But from historic studies, it is said that all of France was plagued with lycanthropic terror in the 16th century. From the 16th century until the first quarter of the 17th century, the French killed more than 30,000 people for suspected werewolfism.

In 1521, Pierre Burgot and Michel Verdun were executed as werewolves. Historical records indicate that they were a serial killer team.

In 1573, Gilles Garnier, otherwise known as the “Werewolf of Dole” was executed for being a werewolf. He was also a confessed serial killer.

What is truly amazing is that diverse cultures separated by thousands of miles and even broad oceans, developed such similar beliefs. Of course this is not just limited to Shapeshifters and Were-wolves but also other creatures such as little people described as leprechauns, Fae, and a dozen other names. Stories of Sea Serpent like monsters are not just contained to Loch Ness and the infamous Nessie. Giant ape like creatures abound as well, such as the Sasquatch of the American northwest and the Yeti of the Himalayan region. More on this subject later, but for now, lets look at the contemporary reports of Shapeshifters on Tik Tok.

The website known as Mysterious Universe reports the following:

Although it is difficult to determine just when the TikTok trend for Skinwalkers began, one of the earliest series of videos was put up by a John Soto, who goes under the TikTok handle “that1cowboy.” Over the course of several months in 2020, Soto made a series of strange audio recordings on his rural property in the Southwest of the United States that he would claim were of Skinwalkers, which have long been said to use various sounds and voices to trick and lure people in to their doom. The videos themselves are inconclusive to say the least. In one, he

is walking with his horse when a voice frantically calls out, “Hey!,” after which the horse stops, the voice cries out again, and the horse bolts in the opposite direction. As innocuous as this might be, the video drew in 7.5 million likes and counting and he would practically overnight gain 350k followers.

More similar videos from Soto would follow, and in the videos he maintains that there is a Skinwalker lurking about the property stalking him, perhaps even after his newborn child. Soto would claim more and more sinister evidence of this, such as chickens killed but not eaten, his horses sustaining mysterious injuries, and the skin of a peccary found near his house, and soon he became so scared that he had his home blessed by a local shaman. Soto claims that this protective barrier keeps the Skinwalker at bay, but that it is still out there, with occasional recordings of it still popping up on TikTok. Soto’s hope in sharing the videos was to bring awareness to the beliefs of his Navajo and Apache upbringing, but mostly they just drew in a storm of comments either saying how creepy it was, asking just what in the world a Skinwakler was, or criticizing the sounds as being nothing more than those of mundane known animals such as goats or mountain lions. For his part, Soto claims that those sorts of animals do no live near him and that he has never heard anything like these sounds, explaining, “I can just tell by the sounds of whatever is calling me out that it’s not right, like it wants to do wrong to me.”

Indeed, reports of Skinwalkers have increased since the debut of the Harry Potter books and movies that featured similar characters. But reports of Skinwalkers are not the only phenomena to experience a resurgence, for example, nearly every week there is yet another new report of a Sasquatch or Big Foot that has been spotted somewhere in the United States, and there seems to be a growing number of reports through-out the Midwest of a creature described as a Moth-man.

To help understand this phenomena, consider this excerpt from Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers by Jacques Vallee :

But investigators have neglected to recognize one important perspective of the phenomenon: the fact that beliefs identical to those held today have recurred throughout recorded history and under forms best adapted to the believer’s country, race, and social regime.

Jacques Vallee makes the case that, throughout history, each generation experienced strange phenomenon that either fit within their current cultural belief system, or was a glimpse of things to come. He’s basically saying that we’ve gone from ancient myths and religion to ghosts and UFOs. And whether dealing with fairies and dwarfs or demons and aliens, the overall experience has been the same down through the ages.

So like the videos and photographs of UFOs and now UAPs, imagery that is fuzzy and lacking in detail, we see the same results in these presentation in which a Skinwalker has supposedly been photographed or filmed. Why is that? Why is it that with millions of people walking around with cell phones that contain camera systems that are many times more advanced than the average consumer film camera of fifty years ago, we still do not have a clear visual image of Big Foot, UAPs and even a Skinwalker. Could it be that these things are not of reality, but rather of the spiritual realm? Cruel deceivers that make themselves visible to the unaided eye but unrecognizable to technology so that it is impossible to photographed them?

Could it be that Jacques Vallee was right, that today’s UAPs and aliens are yesterday’s, demons and angels? If so, could it also be possible that the legendary Skinwalker—a creature that makes those that witness it feel as if they are in great danger—is no more than a demon, one of Satan’s minions?

Perhaps you need to explore your own feelings and opinions, because in all due probability, the answer you seek regarding the true nature of Skinwalkers, ultimately, will be found within….


Listen the above and our piece on Disappearing Object Phenomena at:

When A Possession Isn’t A Possession

The Times of Malta and other outlets, milked a rape case for all it was worth as Media pundits are wont to do, a story that probably should have been handled like any other that involves sexual assault. But this story had a unique angle, one the judge referred to as macabre. You see, the accused was said to be demonically possessed, while the defense claimed it was the victims who were playing demonic games.

Our sordid story begins in 2019 B.C. (Before Covid) when a teenager was charged with assault of his girlfriend and her Mother. The Times writes: Continue reading

Wife and Mother of Four Describes Experience of Possession, Exorcism| National Catholic Register

Teresa Piccola’s harrowing experience of possession and liberation through the solemn rite of exorcism is a cautionary tale that ends with great hope.

Source: Wife and Mother of Four Describes Experience of Possession, Exorcism| National Catholic Register

Writing for the National Catholic Register, Bree Dail goes on to report:

Terese Piccola suffered under so many secrets.
“On the outside, I was the perfect mother, the perfect wife,” she said. “Inside, however, I was broken — and what is worse, I thought I deserved it.”

Speaking exclusively with the Register over the last three months, Piccola related details of her life growing up in an Italian-American home in the suburbs of New York, her marriage and motherhood raising four children, and her activism in the pro-life movement and in her parish — all while quietly enduring years of psychological and emotional torture and unexplained physical ailments.

Her world was turned upside down when extraordinary diabolical phenomena began to manifest themselves as attacks not directly on her, but initially on her children. Her plight ended only after an excruciating year and a half-long battle under the guidance of a clinical psychologist — an expert in possession cases — and through the solemn rite of exorcism.

According to Dail, Ms. Piccola relates how she was sexually abused at a young age, then repeatedly raped when she was thirteen.  Apparently–like too many victims report- Continue reading

The Exorcist: The true story behind the movie…

In what is perhaps one of the most remarkable experiences of its kind in recent religious history, a 14-year-old Mount Rainier boy has been freed by a Catholic priest of possession by the devil, Catholic sources reported yesterday.
Only after between 20 and 30 performances of the ancient ritual of exorcism, here and in St. Louis, was the devil finally cast out of the boy, it was said.

In all except the last of these, the boy broke into a violent tantrum of screaming, cursing and voicing of Latin phrases-a language he had never studied-whenever the priest reached the climactic point of the ritual, “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I cast thee (the devil) out.”

In complete devotion to his task, the priest stayed with the boy over a period of two months, during which he said he personally witnessed such manifestations as the bed in which the boy was sleeping suddenly moving across the room.

A Washington Protestant minister had previously reported personally witnessing similar manifestations, including one in which the pallet on which the sleeping boy lay slid slowly across the floor until the boy’s head bumped against a bed, awakening him.

In another instance, reported by the Protestant minister, a heavy armchair in which the boy was sitting with his knees drawn under his chin tilted slowly to one side and fell over, throwing the boy on the floor.

The final rite of exorcism in which the devil was cast from the boy took place in May, it was reported …

A priest here voiced the belief that it was probably the first casting out of the devil through the ritual in at least a century of Catholic activities here and perhaps in the entire history of the church in this area. …[1]

The preceding is an excerpt from a 1949 article published in the Washington Post.  It is said that  William Peter Blatty, who was attending Georgetown University learned of this event and of course we know that years later Blatty wrote the novel that was adapted to be one of the most famous horror films of all time, one that remains today a cult classic.

“The Exorcist” — both the movie and the 1971 novel it’s based on — was written by William Peter Blatty, who first heard about the demonic possession of a 14-year-old boy around 1949, while he was a senior at Georgetown University. Eugene Gallagher, one of his professors and a priest at the Jesuit college, told Blatty, a New York native, about the extraordinary story of the boy who was believed to be in the throes of demonic possession, but had been saved through a series of exorcisms.[2]

Over the years the true identity of the boy has been a highly guarded secret, designed to protect his privacy.  Countless news articles and historical treatises have been written using the pseudonym  Roland or in some cases Robbie Doe.

Photo of someone using Ouija

Hunkeler’s mother thought the strange occurrences were related to the death of an aunt who taught the boy how to use a Ouija board to communicate with spirits. USA Today Network/Sipa USA

It seems that “Robbie” survived the exorcism and grew up to become an engineer and worked at NASA for forty years.  While at NASA he patented a special technology to make space shuttle panels resistant to extreme heat, helping the Apollo missions of the 1960s that put US astronauts on the moon in 1969. [2]

Researchers and would be sleuths managed to track down those with some degree of knowledge about the case and deduced “Robbie’s” true identity.

While exploring the story  for his podcast, The Devil in the Details–JD Sword explains in an article published in the Skeptical Enquirer [3] — found that folks such as investigative journalist Mark Opsasnick, blogger Mike Madonna, and Dr. Sergio A. Rueda had already thoroughly researched the case and cast doubt on many of its claims, as well as having deduced the real identity of Roland Doe.

Sword tell us that Opsasnick spoke to Mt. Rainier resident Dean Landolt, who stated he was “very good friends with Father Hughes, the priest involved in the case. … Father Hughes told me two things: one was that the boy lived in Cottage City, and the other is that he went on to graduate from Gonzaga High and turned out fine.

Opsasnick was able to obtain a list of names of male students that graduated on that year from Gonzaga then he narrowed the list down to only one student who lived in Cottage City and had been born on June 1, 1935: Ronald E. Hunkeler

In his 1999 Strange magazine article, Opsasnick chose not to reveal Ronald’s identity, “for a number of legal reasons” as he explained to me. However, knowing the address made it possible to deduce Ronald’s identity. As author Kyle T. Cobb explained to me, “TW Scott confirmed the address without naming the boy. The address confirmed the last name and parents. The school annuals and interviews with classmates verified the timeline and identity.” In addition, since the publication of the article in Strange, more than just the full twenty-nine-page diary of Father Bishop had become public knowledge. In his book Diabolical Possession and the Case behind the Exorcist, Sergio Rueda interviewed Rev. Schulze on July 25, 1990, and asked him, “Was the name of the family, the Hunkeler family?” to which Schulze replied, “Yes” (Rueda 2018).[3]

Finally we read in the NY Post:

Hunkeler’s female companion confirmed to The Post that he died last year, a month shy of his 86th birthday, after suffering a stroke at his home in Marriottsville, Md., a suburb northwest of Baltimore. He was cremated, she said.

Blatty’s book “The Exorcist” sold more than 13 million copies in the US alone, and the film earned him an Academy Award and a Golden Globe in 1974. It was the first horror movie to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.

Universal Studios recently announced that it is planning a rebooted trilogy of the film, with Ellen Burstyn reprising her original role as the mother of the possessed teen, beginning in 2023.[2]

As in many of these cases, those who were not eye witnesses to paranormal events and who want to believe that possession and the Devil himself are naught but figments of our imagination, go out of their way to dismiss and discredit the stories told by those who personally were present and observed phenomena that they could not offer a rational explanation for.  Even I have seen things that I try to find a rational explanation that fit for that which I have experienced.  We would all–even those of us in the ministry–love to say that the devil is just a myth, but that would put us in the position of being culpable, aiding and abetting  in Satan’s grand deception.

May the Peace of the Lord be with Mr. Hunkeler.


[1]Priest Frees Mt. Rainier Boy Reported Held in Devil’s Grip By Bill Brinkley Post Reporter Friday, Aug. 20, 1949, Washington Post Archives;https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/movies/features/dcmovies/exorcism1949.htm

[2] https://nypost.com/2021/12/20/is-the-exorcist-a-true-story-what-happened-to-ronald-hunkeler/

[3]Demoniac: Who Is Roland Doe, the Boy Who Inspired The Exorcist?
by JD Sword From: Volume 45, No. 6 November/December 2021 https://skepticalinquirer.org/2021/10/demoniac-who-is-roland-doe-the-boy-who-inspired-the-exorcist/

Exorcist claims ‘psychic possessed’ woman could ‘see people across world in real-time’

Excerpted from: Exorcist claims ‘psychic possessed’ woman could ‘see people across world in real-time’ | Daily Star UK

A qualified physician who turned to exorcism work has recalled the story of a “once in a century possession” where the patient supposedly gained psychic abilities that allowed her to see what people were doing across the world.

Dr Richard Gallagher is a Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at New York Medical College. While he claims not to be an exorcist himself, he has assisted in a number of cases involving paranormal behaviour.

Speaking on the Unsolved Mysteries podcast, Richard recalled one of his most difficult cases, involving a “demonic high priestess” called Julia who supposedly had psychic powers.

He explained: “What made her case particularly striking is, not only did she exhibit an enormous amount of psychic ability when she was in a trance state… but even outside of her trances she had these amazing psychic abilities.”

Richard recalled how he challenged Julia to tell him where the Chief Exorcist was to prove her powers.

He claimed she managed to guess the correct location, as well as correctly identifying the “khaki pants and blue windbreaker” the exorcist was wearing at the time.

Julia believed the ability, which paranormal psychologists call “remote viewing”, was given to her by Satan himself.


But despite Richard describing this as a “once in a century possession”, he suggested that Julia was still reluctant to get help because of her allegiance to her satanic cult.