A Rise In Demand For Exorcisms As The American Church Falls For Demonic Spirits

Christ casting out demons

Two interesting articles recently came across my desk that should be of great interest to all Christians but probably will only be noted by those involved in Deliverance Ministry.

The first, an op-ed from End Time Headlines, [1] decries the widespread failure of Christian Churches to adequately discern the spirits, in particular the evil ones.

Over the last two centuries, science has convinced us that the physical world is the totality of existence.

In our piece titled The Reality of Non-Physical Reality [2] we reported that science disregards anything that it cannot measure, or otherwise quantify, define, or even experiment with. Because it defies their human limited science, it therefore must not exist. But as Christians we know, by faith, that God created spiritual entities we characterize as angels.

We also know that a number of these entities rebelled, were cast out of Heaven and fell Continue reading

The Reality of Non-Physical Reality

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In recent episodes of Saint Michael’s Journal, we have reported on the curious hearings held by Congress on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, Extraterrestrial Aliens, and the threat these unknown entities might pose to National Security.

We have previously noted the irony in that, even hard-core UFO believers—those that want nothing more than to prove the existence of extraterrestrial entities—are skeptical of the many startling revelations made by whistle blowers during their testimony.

As we have also observed that there is indeed, a choir of voices, one that is rising to a crescendo, that insist that these sightings of the strange and unusual are not indicative of extraterrestrial visits, but rather a continuance of the ages old harassment and oppression from Satan himself.

In this episode we will look at these claims as well as other possible explanations for the Continue reading