The Normals versus the Crazies: Is America In Need of A National Exorcism?

Linda Blair, with and without makeup in The Exorcist A note from the Bishop: In recent years, I have tried to segregate topics that I write about across four different blogs and now three podcasts.

Saint Michael’s Journal has become the home of all things related to Exorcism and the paranormal.  Saint Michael’s ministry was intended to be a place to minister to those suffering from Demonic Oppression, Saint Michael’s Chapel is a general church ministry and Episcopis Comtemplationes is a channel for opinions and editorials.

I have tried to keep these topics separate so as not to alienate any of my readers.  however sometimes, one finds that a topic transcends those categories and is important enough that it deserves to be addressed across all platforms.  The following is one of those that address political and societal concerns but also are relative to the subject of Exorcism.  So if you came here for news of Exorcism please bear with me until the end.

Last night during her rebuttal to Biden’s State of the Union Speech, Governor Sanders of Arkansas stated that the conflict in our country is no longer between the right and the left, but now it is between the “normals and the crazies!” I assume that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was referring to those who can not focus on anything other than the total destruction of all that mankind has accomplished.

Hold that thought while we look at another interesting editorial published today. Continue reading

Saint Michael’s Needs Your Help

The various blogs and Social Media presences maintained by the Archdiocese of Saint Michael’s, are outreach ministries intended to educate and evangelize to those who are in need of the good news of Christ.

Our most recent outreach ministry is a Podcast in which we provide a Homily each Sunday as well as commentary designed to encourage thought and contemplation on contemporary events.

There are multiple platforms upon which Podcasts are distributed. Currently Saint Michael’s is on the following:

Most other platforms require an existing Podcast Channel, who wishes to be included in their services, to have a minimum number of views before they pick up the RSS feed.  Before we can branch out to other distributors, we must increase the number of views.

Won’t you please help Saint Michael’s spread the good news and traditional values by clicking on one of the distributors listed above and listen to at least one podcast?

Sunday morning 27 November, we have a special homily that explores the Gospel reading assigned for the day as well as an explanation of Advent observances.

Also, please keep watching for the upcoming release of a special Podcast in which we tell the listening audience about St. Michael’s Journal: The Journal of Exorcism

Saint Michael’s never asks for donations of money, just your support in principle. Click on one of the links, listen to a podcast and help us to become available on more platforms and those who need to hear our message.

Thank you


Presiding Bishop AdoSM

Too Many Possessed People?

I have no doubt that those of you who follow this journal have noted an absence of reporting on the subjects these pages are dedicated to illuminate; demonic possession, oppression, and Exorcism. Those inclined to question why, might ask, “Why does the Bishop not publish more stories and articles about Exorcism and posssession? Surely there are reports of such what with all the evil present in the world!”

Of course the answer to this proposed question is, yes there is a huge demonic presence on the face of the Earth and there are reports of exorcisms and possession aplenty, but, finding credible reports and bringing them to your smart device—phone, tablet or computer—is difficult at best.

St Michael’s Journal is not an official clearing house or data base to which Priests and Continue reading

Enough is Enough

In January of 2013, this ministry established this blog as a means to educate lay people about the very real ministry of Exorcism.  We believe that evil entities do frequently oppress people and in rare cases possess them leading them to preform horrendous acts.  From the onset of this publication we have maintained that Exorcism is a religious rite, one that should be only performed by trained, ordained Christian ministers and not by well meaning laity.  Admittedly we have been reluctant to post links to articles that report the travesty of lay people and in some cases ministers that physically abuse the presumed victim causing harm, hospitalization and in some cases death.  We do not see such events as legitimate religious rites, as by tradition Exorcism consists of a series of prayers found to remove offensive spirits.  Under no condition is an Exorcist to “beat the devil out’ of the victim.  Physical harm in no way encourages an entity to leave but rather gives it a reason to persist as its goal is to see the victims suffer.

When possible, it is our intention to bring light to these events in which innocent victims suffer at the hands of those who quite possibly are themselves possessed.

Practically in our back yard, we find a case in Benton County Missouri; the following excerpt is reported by, a local CBS affiliate.

Court documents say an investigator with the Benton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and found the father of the four-year-old girl to ask him what happened. The father showed the investigator his daughter.

The investigator saw the four-year-old girl wrapped up in a pink blanket on the floor. Court records say she had several purple bruises from her neck to her feet. The investigator found that the bruising appeared to be belt marks.

The investigator then asked the man where the rest of his family was in the house. Court documents say the mother and their two-year-old son had severe bruising. The family has another infant and he had no injuries.

The deputy asked the father how these injuries happened. He told the deputy that people who lived across the road, Mast and Aumen, caused the injuries. According to the PC statement, the two went to the family’s house that morning around 8 a.m. and beat the two-year-old.

The father told authorities that the beatings have been happening for about two weeks. He also told police that he was beaten with a wooden spoon two days earlier.

“I asked how he could let people do this to his family, and he stated that they were told (the mother) had a “demon” inside her, and her children would end up just like her if it was not taken care of,” court documents say.

The father said that Mast and Aumen threatened him and said if he did not comply, someone would get shot. The father also told police that if he or his wife provided aid or comfort to the children or themselves, it would be a sin, and satan would come.

Mast and Aumen told investigators during interviews after being arrested that they did beat the children and their mother. They also said they forced the mother and daughter to a pond where more assaults occurred.

Please, tell everyone you know, demonic possession is rare and Exorcism should only be performed by trained ministers and then as a last resort after all other means of treatments are exhausted.  Do not attempt to Exorcise a demon from a person or place if you are not ordained as a minister, to do so is to invite destruction upon yourself and possibly great harm to those you think you are helping.

A Letter from the Editor; St Michael’s Journal

As you might have noticed, St Michaels Journal publishes excerpts of articles we find on the Internet that are relative to the subject of Exorcism, we do as this as the mission of this journal is to re-educate people that evil does exist in this world, outside of the evil intentions that lurks in the hearts of some humans.  I concur with those much more learned than I who have observed that the greatest accomplishment of Satan is to convince the world that he does not exist.  Therefore my associates and I seek to Continue reading

Please send me information on how to attend the class on exorcism at the Vatican

“Please send me information on how to attend the class on exorcism at the Vatican!”

As most readers of this blog might imagine, the preceding request is one we frequently receive; it would seem that a large number of people want to take part in the battle against demonic possession or they simply desire to satisfy their curiosity.

It was my understanding that up until the last year or so the Istituto Sacerdos only offered this course to the Priests and Sisters of the Roman Catholic church, however as the story we posted titled “Institute to hold 11th exorcism course” explains, the course is now apparently open to not only clergy but lay people as well.


Now as to how one might attend, your guess is as good as mine at this point, but perhaps there is an answer… Continue reading

On Family Curses–A letter From the Editor

As you might imagine this journal attracts quite a lot of readers with a diverse range of interests; some simply interested in the paranormal, others seeking relief from the same.

Due to other responsibilities we cannot respond to all readers that use our contact us form but we do try to answer the questions of those that seem to be sincerely troubled. Today we received one such message, that in reality is a common fear, that of Continue reading