Episode 8 Saint Michaels Journal Podcast is live

Opening old case files at Saint Michael’s Journal we examine three stories in this episode.

In our first segment we ask the metaphorical question, Have you been down the Rabbit Hole? Then we look at the changes in the number of and broadening acceptance of Exorcisms in The Times They Are a Changing. Finally explore what which might be called Close encounters of the demonic kind as well as stigmata and other mystical phenomena.

The Normals versus the Crazies: Is America In Need of A National Exorcism?

Linda Blair, with and without makeup in The Exorcist A note from the Bishop: In recent years, I have tried to segregate topics that I write about across four different blogs and now three podcasts.

Saint Michael’s Journal has become the home of all things related to Exorcism and the paranormal.  Saint Michael’s ministry was intended to be a place to minister to those suffering from Demonic Oppression, Saint Michael’s Chapel is a general church ministry and Episcopis Comtemplationes is a channel for opinions and editorials.

I have tried to keep these topics separate so as not to alienate any of my readers.  however sometimes, one finds that a topic transcends those categories and is important enough that it deserves to be addressed across all platforms.  The following is one of those that address political and societal concerns but also are relative to the subject of Exorcism.  So if you came here for news of Exorcism please bear with me until the end.

Last night during her rebuttal to Biden’s State of the Union Speech, Governor Sanders of Arkansas stated that the conflict in our country is no longer between the right and the left, but now it is between the “normals and the crazies!” I assume that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was referring to those who can not focus on anything other than the total destruction of all that mankind has accomplished.

Hold that thought while we look at another interesting editorial published today. Continue reading