Saint Michael’s Needs Your Help

The various blogs and Social Media presences maintained by the Archdiocese of Saint Michael’s, are outreach ministries intended to educate and evangelize to those who are in need of the good news of Christ.

Our most recent outreach ministry is a Podcast in which we provide a Homily each Sunday as well as commentary designed to encourage thought and contemplation on contemporary events.

There are multiple platforms upon which Podcasts are distributed. Currently Saint Michael’s is on the following:

Most other platforms require an existing Podcast Channel, who wishes to be included in their services, to have a minimum number of views before they pick up the RSS feed.  Before we can branch out to other distributors, we must increase the number of views.

Won’t you please help Saint Michael’s spread the good news and traditional values by clicking on one of the distributors listed above and listen to at least one podcast?

Sunday morning 27 November, we have a special homily that explores the Gospel reading assigned for the day as well as an explanation of Advent observances.

Also, please keep watching for the upcoming release of a special Podcast in which we tell the listening audience about St. Michael’s Journal: The Journal of Exorcism

Saint Michael’s never asks for donations of money, just your support in principle. Click on one of the links, listen to a podcast and help us to become available on more platforms and those who need to hear our message.

Thank you


Presiding Bishop AdoSM