This past November Miles Klee, writing for The Rolling Stone, began his piece with:

“Since the late 2000s, people have shared their stories of a strange vision that sounds remarkably consistent from one account to the next. It’s the tall silhouette of a man in a brimmed hat, a presence that tends to appear when you’re in bed at night, somewhere between sleep and consciousness.” [1]

Mr. Klee follows this statement with a quote by a victim of the phenomena, who wrote on his own blog:

“What I saw gripped me immediately with fear and dread. The man had no distinguishable features whatsoever. I could see no eyes, no nose or mouth, only blackness. He looked like a shadow, only darker — much darker. He had a very wide brimmed hat and a long trench coat that flowed as he moved.”

This testimony, submitted by a victim named Timothy M. Brown Jr., [2] is as Klee wrote Continue reading

What Are Shadow People And How to Get Rid Of Them


Mysterious cases of shadow people are a common report that paranormal investigators investigate. During their investigations, they have seen and documented this phenomenon first-hand many times. These shadow people or shadow figures typically move very quickly and are not associated with anyone or anything visible.
Typical reports are that the shadow figure (also called a dark mass) is seen through the viewer’s peripheral vision and by the time the viewer has turned around to look at the shadow figure, it is gone. If you are lucky enough, you may be able to view one with your direct vision – and some simply lurk instead of moving very quickly.
Types of Shadow Figures
From experience, these are the most Continue reading