The truth about demons that live in our homes

Devil-worshipping cults and sword-wielding men in robes – the truth about demons that live in our homes
Sep 21, 2014 11:52 By Janet Tansley for the Mirror UK
A paranormal expert has painted a terrifying picture of the truth about demons which can occupy our homes and their ‘dark satanic history’.

Liverpool resident Lorna McDonald was left living in fear due to bizarre occurrences at her home, which led to her daughter moving out and Mrs McDonald racking up bedroom tax arrears.

She claimed to have seen demonic shapes and mirrors flying off the wall, and expert Tom Slemen told the Liverpool Echo he believes this could be the case, with the Belle Vale area having a very dark history.

“The whole area around Southbrook Road where Mrs McDonald lived has Continue reading

Family Flee From Haunted House After Exorcism Goes Wrong

From The  Inquisitr.

A British couple has been forced to flee the place they call home and set up in a rented accommodation after living in their haunted house drove them to the point of insanity.

Deborah Rawson and her husband Kevin are just like any other ordinary married couple, but the terrible and nightmarish ordeal they were subjected to is far from ordinary.

Living in a haunted house nearly broke up the couple’s 23-year marriage, and even a home exorcism by a Catholic Priest priest, armed with a prayers and a bucket full of holy water, couldn’t save them from a home which appeared to be riddled with ghosts and things that didn’t go bump in the night as much as go boom in the night.

Let us begin at the beginning. After two Continue reading