Exorcist Diary: You Stupid Priest! – SpiritualDirection.com

Excerpted from: Exorcist Diary: You Stupid Priest! – BY MONSIGNOR STEPHEN ROSSETTI at SpiritualDirection.com

SPIRITUALDIRECTION- explores Catholic spiritual direction advice and how a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human being based on the wisdom’s of the Bible, Church and the saints and angels.

One thing an exorcist learns quickly is that demons HATE priests! Just this week during an intense session, the possessed person, in the midst of a demonic manifestation, looked at me with rage and disgust and said, “I hate the day she met you!”

A diagnostic moment often occurs when the person whom we are praying over looks at the priest with an evil and angry look and says, “You stupid priest!” If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, we could fund our ministry forever. It’s one of their most often repeated lines. And when we hear it, it confirms our diagnosis that the person is indeed possessed.

We believe that the priest is sacramentally configured to Christ. So, when the demons look at the priest, it is really the face of Christ they are seeing. This causes them unbelievable torment.

When the demons get particularly snarky and look at me with disgust, I will often say, “I command you that when you look at me, you will see the face of Christ.” This command wipes the snarky look off their faces and they cower in fear. Sometimes they start to whimper and cry. Demons are cowards and nothing in the presence of Jesus.

CONTINUE READING: Exorcist Diary: You Stupid Priest! – SpiritualDirection.com

Psychiatrist attests to reality of demonic possession in new book | Opinion | LifeSite

Excerpted from:Psychiatrist attests to reality of demonic possession in new book | by Rev. Michael P Orsi 10 February 2021 | LifeSite

It’s frequently observed that the devil’s best trick is persuading us he doesn’t exist.

One of the clearest demonstrations of this truth is the way people often try to reinterpret scriptural accounts of Jesus’s confrontations with demons, such as those in our recent Gospel readings at Mass.

“Folks in Bible times didn’t understand disease,” people will say. “These weren’t literal demons. They were merely symptoms of conditions like epilepsy or mental illness. But since those who recorded the incidents didn’t have our modern scientific frame of reference, they could only describe them in demonic terms.”

The problem with trying to interpret Scripture from a purely clinical point of view, however, is that it ignores the spiritual dimension of life. It glosses over the reality of supernatural evil.

Supernatural evil is real. The traditional prayer to St. Michael speaks of Satan and his minions prowling about the world “seeking the ruin of souls.” And that’s a good description of the threat we face.

Just as there is a heavenly realm, populated by the angels and saints, so too there is the domain of Satan and Continue reading